The ancestor of our companies, like a number of other enterprises in the fishing industry in the north, is the Murmansk trawl fleet, which dates back to 1920.
The FEST group of companies
are Russian enterprises engaged in industrial fishing
in various regions of the world ocean and producing their products under the brands
Eurofish and Fish Menu
The FEST group of companies is Russian enterprises engaged in industrial fishing in various regions of the world ocean and producing their products under the brands Eurofish and Fish Menu

Fishing areas
The ships of the fleet fish in the Barents and Norwegian Seas, off the coast of Svalbard and Jan Mayen, on the Reykianis Bank, off the coast of East Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Morocco, Mauritania, as well as in the international waters of the Atlantic Ocean

Total production
Tons / year
Products and services
Our products are produced under the Eurofish and Fish Menu brands and are exported to the following countries: Great Britain, Denmark, Spain, Canada, China, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Japan, Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire.
All products
The technological cycle of production from pouring fish from the trawl to its freezing is based on the analysis of the most effective world technologies, and allows you to obtain a high-quality and most popular sea shock freeze product on the market in the shortest possible time from the moment the fish is lifted on board.
The technological cycle of production from pouring fish from the trawl to its freezing is based on the analysis of the most effective world technologies, and allows you to obtain a high-quality and most popular sea shock freeze product on the market in the shortest possible time from the moment the fish is lifted on board.











